Bee Removal DIY

Do it yourself (diy) bee removal of honeybees. First make sure of what type of bees you have, visit the bee id chart and or wasp identification chart to identify the bee and learn some basics.

Non Structural Swarms - DIY

Non-structural honeybees as a swarm on a tree, bushes, or outside of a structure typically leave on their own within a few days. These bees are a migrating swarm, perhaps football or basketball size and beard shaped. A migrating swarm of bees will have no honeycomb and are typically not protective of the location. The best DIY bee removal can be to let them to leave on there own; messing with a swarm of honeybees can cause them to stay longer.

Established non-structural bees do not leave unless they are hive splitting, in that case half the bees will migrate off. If you dont plan on keeping the bees, removing them yourself is possible though can be difficult; it is typically not recommended as DIY. When money is to be saved, consider options of discount or free bee removal vs. DIY bee removal.

Keeping the bees

If you want to keep the bees and move them to a different location, consider bees require a little upkeep and care, possibly twice a year. Also consider a location for them, safe from people or pets. Facing sunrise is preferred and with afternoon shade. If ants are a problem consider a beebox stand with a cup for each leg were liquid would keep ants away.

Another option is grease, or that insect sticky stuff ppl my put on tree trunks. Your city may have minimal restrictions for keeping bees. Commonly inner city regulations developed on whether the beebox will be a problem to any neighbor nearby or that may be allergic - though that is very uncommon.

Tools & Equip DIY Bee Removal - Non structural

  • Bee hat & vail
  • Bee gloves (reach to elbows)
  • Beekeeper tool
  • Smoker
  • Beebox with frames

Prices & costs When expense matter, calling a bee remover is commonly less expensive, unless you can acquire these items.

At some time you would want to obtain additional box frames and a simple honey spinner /extractor.

When moving honeycombs of the beehive, optionally a rubber-band to hold the honeycomb on the empty frame. All of this may take some time to organize.

Structural DIY Bee Removal

Structural bee removal consists of bees were you cannot see the hive and are inside of the structure. Do it yourself bee removal is very easy if the bees are scout bees, and have not yet moved the swarm into a structure; scout bees scout for a place to build a home. To tell if the bees are scout bees visit how to prevent a bee problem, to know if the bees have moved in.

Established structural beehive

A beehive already living in the structure commonly requires:

  • Removing the bees
  • Relocating the bees (if alive)
  • Cleaning the area
  • And repairing the structure to avoid further problems.

Note: Do it yourself bee removal from a structure without experience is typically not recommended. Calling a bee remover is typically less expensive.

If you plan to keep the bees, read the section above on keeping bees.

If bees are attached to house and the hive is alive, DIY bee removal can be a challenge. A beehive may have 3,000 to 50,000 bees, and up to 100lbs of honey. Removal is often done from ladders, rooftop, or from difficult location. The hive is typically near were bees are entering. If the hive was exterminated it can still be a difficult task. It's a messy job, and after you finish repairs it is likely bees will still be attracted to that structure in the future. -- Generally, when bees smell an old hive in a structure, they think anywhere on that structure is a good place to build a home. If you're trying to do it yourself, expect to get stung.

Exterminated bees

If a hive was killed, you may still see bee activity for up to a week, in addition hundreds of new bees hatch daily in an established hive. After a week, bees from the original hive should be gone; however bees from other colonies smell melting honey and may come to free-load, these are commonly called robber bees. Robber bees are non-aggressive as it is not their home. Though it is difficult to tell the difference. Bees returning with yellow pollen on the back of their legs are almost never ever robber bees, meaning the hive is active.


Apart from your own safety, prior to removing a beehive, consider notifying any nearby neighbor that a hive is going to be removed, reasons for this may include: encase someone is allergic, aggressive bees, or animals need to be moved. If trying to exterminate a beehive, you can expect very angry bees. When bees are near neighbors property, near pets, or a public walkway, additional precautions should be considered.

Tools & Equip

Along with common beekeeping tools. Construction equipment may include, ladder, power tools, repair supplies, and a method to suppress hive scent after removing the honey & bees. Suppressing hive scent helps so that bees dont return. The cost and time to do it yourself usually always out way contacting a bee remover. For help with removal or prices request a callback anytime.

Live removal

If removing bees alive, smokers are a great to calm bees if aggressive. You will want to have a beebox to relocate the bees to, and a location to keep the hive after removed. To some degree, bees tend to crowd a round or follow the queen, though that can be difficult to determine. Getting the queen in the bee-box is most effective by removing each honeycomb while keeping bees on the comb.

Why remove the honeycomb?

If honeycomb is not removed, four common events can occur:

  • Recurring bee problems: Bees are attracted to honey sent of previous hives. Even if area is sealed off, new bees simply inspect the structure to find another opening thinking it is a good place to build a home.
  • Invite insects: Commonly attracts ants, beetles, and moths.
  • Attract rodents & critters: Rodents and other critters can create additional problems once in the attic or structure, including chewing on AC tubes, making babies, and creating additional structural openings.
  • Cause structural honey staining: The structural staining commonly requires removing the previous hive, cleaning, and structural repair of older houses. Depending on the size of the hive, or amount of honey, (can depend on how many flowers are nearby & time of year) honey can melt into the structure and cause additional damages, though it is less common.

As a bee removal specialist you see each of those problems occur from not removing the beehive.

Regarding attracting recurring bee problems: once after being referred to a homeowner from a nearby candle shop, the former beekeeper had been extracting the bees and was no longer available. Honeybees were living in openings of the structural columns, each year they returned to nearby places.

The beekeeper never spoke about removing the honeycombs; more bee hives began to accumulate each year. Normally a house or building should get bees perhaps every 30 years. With hives not structurally removed, bees may return much more often, even every year. At that later point solutions can be costly, keeping the bees away can become a challenge.

Structural Repairs & Bee proofing

After removal of hive, seal gaps, cracks, and openings. In cases of medium to large voids, after applying expanding foaming, it is helpful to cover on top with a galvanized mesh that rodents can't penetrate; otherwise rodents may dig though making a new hole that a new colony of bees re inhabit. If your new to using expanding foam it is common to over fill an area, otherwise you may return to find foam having tumbled down the wall with stains. Make sure to stick around to keep an eye on area were applied. In extreme cases of exclusion work were a lot of work is being performed, focus least on the side of the structure the sun sets on.

Discounted & free options

Do it yourself bee removal structurally is usually not a good idea, first consider finding discounted, or free bee removal, if no other options exist, and you know a handyman or carpenter that can help, have the bee man remove the honeycomb and leave you instructions on bee proofing with you or the person doing repairs.

It is better if a knowledgeable bee remover also performs the repair and provides warrantee against bees returning. Opening a structural for bee removal is considered a small repair, most US states do not require a contractor’s license.

You can signup to join this platform as a beekeeper, or Handyman / Carpenter to receive calls from people that need help with bee removal. To find help with bee removal near you call the hotline or request a callback.